Portsmouth News



This shouldn’t really fill me with a sense of pride, but it does. My children are older and the magic and challenge of Christmas have changed considerab­ly. This is due to the fact that I’m the only person down my road who has a tidy garage, which means there’s enough space to store Christmas surprises. Other dads near me are welcome to use the space to store the treats. It’s been a real grotto this year - with a fine selection of new bikes assembled, hidden under plastic sheeting.

It’s a sad day at the office when you're happy to show off how tidy your garage is. It must be time for a new hobby.

I gave up trying to learn the piano this year. I wanted to play groovy jazz piano like you sometimes hear at a wedding reception or in the lobby of a hotel. Nondescrip­t background music. The piano was far too hard. I decided I would just have a new appreciati­on for anyone who can play.

I even attempted to learn a new language but nothing would stay in my head. I tried listening to it through my headphones while falling asleep so I could learn ‘by accident’. Still nothing. I also tried painting and drawing. The artist Grayson Perry said it was easy and that no drawings are bad.

Mine was. They looked like they'd been sketched by a six-year-old who couldn't decide whether he wanted to be left or right-handed. I need something as easy as tidying, but also impressive to talk about. Maybe I need to rent my services out as a garage tidier. Although then I’d miss the Christmas present hiding fun.

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