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LEO Jul 24-Aug 23

A job you are being asked to do will take up more of your time than you would like. Even if you are being offered payment, the effort will not be worth the pay. An older relative will think you are foolish for turning down this offer but you have to consider how you may regret taking this on.

ARIES Mar 21-Apr 20

There’s a change in the air. Take your time when dealing with important financial or business matters. If someone has trusted you with an important job, double check everything you do. A colleague will reveal informatio­n they should have kept to themselves and this could be to your advantage.

VIRGO Aug 24-Sep 23

Someone will complain you are starting to neglect them. Even if this is said in a lightheart­ed way, you will take this as a serious grumble and you will want to go out of your way to make them feel you do care. If a partner hasn’t been seeing a lot of you recently, you will make it up to them in some small way.

CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 20

You’re looking for new ways to have fun. You’ve been working hard and it is about time you balance responsibi­lity with times of rest. Fun will not be found in your usual environmen­ts as there is always something that needs doing. Consider getting away from familiar surroundin­gs.

TAURUS Apr 21-May 21

You won’t want to turn down an opportunit­y to earn extra cash. In fact it would be foolish not to take this on if you have been worried about paying bills. Someone might offer to pay you for your skills. It will be hard to fit this in around your normal routines but you will find a way to do so.

LIBRA Sep 24-Oct 23

If you have any choice on how to spend your time there’ll be no two ways about it, you would rather relax and get on with a hobby or personal activity you haven’t been able to enjoy as much as you would have liked to recently. This will be something that needs imaginatio­n and creativity.

AQUARIUS Jan 21-Feb 19

Try to relax. If you are working, let others set the pace. A friend who isn’t having too good a time of it will take their frustratio­n out on you. Don’t feel guilty about finding an excuse to walk away. You have troubles of your own but you will prefer not to go into detail about these.

GEMINI May 21-Jun 21

Hide your feelings if you suspect someone isn’t being honest with you. If they sense you are suspicious they will grow cagey and cleverer at hiding what is really going on. Don’t let jealousy get the upper hand and if you feel a loved-one is playing games with you, remain calm.

SCORPIO Oct 24-Nov 22

Energy levels take a sharp drop. You might feel guilty about neglecting responsibi­lities earlier when you actually had the time but couldn’t be bothered. You aren’t in the mood for regular commitment­s. Push aside any feelings of guilt and take the rest you need to recharge your batteries.

PISCES Feb 20-Mar 20

It doesn’t matter where you are, whether at work, at home or in your social life, you would do better not to get too heavily involved in group activities. There is someone you aren’t getting on well with and until you are able to sort out your difference­s, you can’t relax when they are around.

CANCER Jun 22-Jul 23

Your signature is required on a document. Someone in the family is keen to get this over with and out of the way. You feel they are being too hasty. Insist on talking this through and after a few careful words, you might talk those you are dealing with into seeing sense.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23-Dec 21

You feel as though if you had a dozen pair of hands that wouldn’t be enough to keep someone in charge happy. They are expecting far too much from you. It will be important to get your feelings out into the open, for you can’t bottle up everything inside without doing anything practical about it.

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