Portsmouth News

I’m just off to warm my beanie in the microwave


We all have our strange rules and routines, or habits if you like. One of the greatest things about this subject is that we often don’t even notice them until someone points them out.

The first reaction to being accused usually incurs a short burst of denial and then acceptance that it is a routine and you’re going to stick with it. No shame.

The more famous routines in this country tend to be connected to how you like your tea and where you sit in the front room.

Classic routines are, which side of the bed you sleep on, alarm clock, phone charging and water positionin­g. Hundreds of rules and routines.

One routine, or rule, that many people have is connected to Britain's favourite takeaway. The Indian.

No matter how full I am. No matter what time of day. When I get a whiff of those spices, I’m instantly hungry.

My routine is not connected to the choice of foods, or how much rice to tip on to the plate. Oh no.

One steadfast rule I have is that the food has to be hot. Not takeaway warm. Hot.

We were with some friends for a curry and they know that I always have to ‘give it a burst in the microwave’.

I can’t really (unless I absolutely have to) abide warm food.

On this occasion, I loaded my plate and wandered off to the kitchen to do a ‘reheat’.

In the kitchen I opened the microwave and saw what looked like a cat inside.

I shouted to my friends explaining that there was a cat in the microwave.

They replied. ‘That’s not a cat, they’re my microwave slippers!’

Now this was a first for me. I had never heard of such a thing.

Sure, I live in a home with some people who occasional­ly ask for a heated wheat bag but that's the only accessory I thought the microwave could cope with.

It turns out that simply 60 seconds on high and the slippers are ready to go.

I was told that they are especially important when you’re ‘cold to the bone’.

I’ve never had this problem and did not feel the need to inquire further.

The following day I was still mindful of these microwave slippers so decided, just for you, to research more fashion items that can go in the microwave to become the perfect winter essentials.

I was amazed.

From the feet up, yes, we’ve got slippers. Are you ready for this?

Widely available are microwavea­ble gloves ‘giving you a helping hand this winter’, simply 30 seconds on high before the dog walk.

Next, to my surprise, removable gel pads from a bra that are microwavea­ble ‘for when you just can’t get warm.’ I can’t comment too much on this as it's outside my skillset and understand­ing.

My final two are the microwave scarf that needs no more than a minute and can ‘wrap you up and keep you toastie for at least 20 minutes.’

And the final piece of kit is the, now obvious, microwave woolly hat.

This now seems to be bordering on normal, if not a bit dull.

This world of warm products caught me slightly off guard. I have no idea whether they are any good. Although our friend with the slippers said, in her words that, ‘they were lifechangi­ng.’

That might be hard to believe as I returned them to their home, which now seriously ponged of chicken rogan josh.

However, what this moment has done is sort out all my Christmas present to-ing and fro-ing for 2022.

In the kitchen I opened the microwave and saw what looked like a cat inside

 ?? Picture: Adobe Stock ?? You can buy clothes especially made to be microwaved in winter.
Picture: Adobe Stock You can buy clothes especially made to be microwaved in winter.
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