Portsmouth News

A highly emotional debate that showed ‘parliament at its best’


AN HISTORIC debate in the house of commons — sparked by the death of a Stubbingto­n girl — proved highly emotional, showing ‘parliament at its best.’

For the first time ever MPs were yesterday called on to debate childhood cancer and the issues surroundin­g diagnosis times, treatment and support for families, which campaigner­s said must improve to ‘save lives.’

Inspired by the devastatin­g story of 10-year-old Sophie Fairall, from Stubbingto­n, who died last year following her diagnosis of rhabdomyos­arcoma, more than 20 politician­s from all different parties were united as they shared similarly ‘heartbreak­ing’ stories from their constituen­ts.

Tory MP Holly Mumby-Croft, who represents Scunthorpe, spoke about young Ebony who was also diagnosed with rhabdomyos­arcoma.

‘In 2016 just before her 10th birthday the family noticed she had a swelling on her arm,’ she said.

It took a specialist in hospital to diagnose her after first going to the GP.

She said: ‘I can’t imagine how they felt.

‘Her mum said she remained a very special and caring girl through treatment even when her hair fell out.’

Despite going into remission, in 2019 the cancer came back and Ebony died in June 2020.

Northern Irish MP Ian Paisley, of the Democratic Unionist Party for North Antrim, told the story of Jake Oliver who was diagnosed with cancer at the age of four.

He said: ‘His mum said: “I don’t want any parent to go through what we are going through.

‘“Jake was so unwell. There were eight awful weeks before we knew he had cancer.”’

He added: ‘Every single effort has got to be made to help these young people.

‘Let’s give Jake a chance and let’s give other children a chance.’

And Labour MP Mark Tami of Alyn and Deeside recalled his son’s leukaemia diagnosis. I will never forget that phone call from my wife 15 years ago telling me that our nine-year-old son had leukaemia,’ he said.

‘For us, it soon became clear that the only route open to us would be a stem cell transplant and we were very fortunate that we found a donor for our son, but far too many children still are not as lucky, particular­ly those from non-white background­s.’

In response, shadow minister for public health, Andrew Gwynne, said the debate showed ‘parliament at its best.’

‘We are all speaking with one voice,’ he said.

‘We have all heard utterly heartbreak­ing stories.’

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