Portsmouth News

Inflation or greed?


What's the difference between inflation and greed? There is none.

I went to Tesco on Monday and a certain dog biscuit was £1.09p, five days later the same biscuits had risen to £1.50p.

That's not inflation that's greed. But then it's the same with all stores.

Today products packaging has slowly been getting smaller, but the price is the same if not more. It hides under the guise of less plastic packaging to save the planet, Whoopi Gee!

In the coming months we will have to suffer 'Inflation' on our bills for heating.

Many elderly will have to decide heating or eating.

So our Government has oiled the suit of armour, saddled up their white charger and rode off into the sunset making it clear they will do everything to help all those who are having difficulty.

What they really mean is, they've had an eleven percent pay rise, they have an expense account and will use that expense account to pay their heating bills.

If MPs were paid by their results many would understand the real meaning of poverty.

C Goodall

Lime Grove Portsmouth

Many elderly will have to decide heating or eating

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