Portsmouth News

Dog owners blame spray chemicals for sicknesses

- Freddie Webb freddie.webb@jpress.co.uk @FredsDotW

DOG owners in Paulsgrove are mystified as their beloved pets have become sick.

Tina Turner, 53, has become increasing­ly concerned for Buddy, the pub mascot at The Jolly Miller, in Fareham.

The Miniature Parsons Jack Russel cross breed started to become ill after being walked in Paulsgrove Park, along Allaway Avenue, three weeks ago.

Buddy lost tufts of his fur and eye lashes, and Ms Turner blamed sprayed weed killer for the dog’s sickness – but a council said weed killer hadn’t been used at the site in months.

But barmaid Ms Turner told The News: ‘Buddy has been losing his hair and has been very sick. They have been spraying some chemicals around the trees where dogs usually sniff.’ She added her pet has been taken to the vets several times.

The animal specialist­s are unsure what caused his continuous cough and other ailments.

Describing some of Buddy’s symptoms, Ms Turner said it ‘looked like’ her pet had ‘rolled around in stinging nettles’.

She has now launched a petition across the Fareham area campaignin­g against the use of weed killers locally.

She added: ‘If it is not suitable for children, how can it be suitable for dogs?

‘It is a hazard it is hurting our animals, and we’ve got to protect our fur babies.’

Amanda Burgess, of Rydal Close, has similar concerns, as her dog Tink was found with lumps on his back three weeks ago.

‘He was head to toe in lumps, and was being sick’, the 40-year-old said.

‘Tink looked like a Dalmatian. Some chemicals may have been sprayed near the trees round the back of the house, so I don’t take him for walks there anymore.’

Portsmouth City Council said weed killer has not been used in Allaway Avenue since January.

Councillor Kimberly Barrett, cabinet member for climate change and environmen­t, said: ‘Our highways contractor Colas treats areas around trees and lamp-posts with weed killer.

‘This keeps the areas free of growth for up to six months, meaning they can cut down on strimming.

‘In the case of trees, this greatly reduces the risk of damage from strimmers.

‘The product they use is not toxic to dogs or other animals.’

 ?? ?? Owner Tina said Buddy started to lose tufts of his hair and eye lashes.
Owner Tina said Buddy started to lose tufts of his hair and eye lashes.

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