Portsmouth News

Yobs break in to village again

- Freddie Webb freddie.webb@jpress.co.uk

MINDLESS yobs have broken into Southsea Model Village twice in a fortnight, vandalisin­g the premises and stealing items.

In the early hours of Thursday, four youngsters were spotted on CCTV trespassin­g and posing in front of the buildings.

Two weeks ago, on the evening of May 19, another band of youths entered the attraction – vandalisin­g beach huts with spray paint and leaving a workshop‘ trashed ’.

Mark Wilson, owner of the model village, said the incidents are causing distress for him and his family.

He told The News: ‘It’s frustratin­g, we’re worried that one wrong person is going to break in and do a lot of damage.

‘We can only do so much.’

Mr Wilson said the incidents have been reported to the police, with images and videos of the vandals shared on social media.

Speaking about the latest attack, he said the village manager spotted something was amiss when he opened the village.

‘He knows it like the back of his hand’, Mr Wilson added. ‘He saw a couple of figures bent out of place, so went back on the CCTV and saw them come in.

‘The figure we think is missing is one of a disabled kid in a wheelchair.

‘They just came in, poses for a load of pictures in front of the buildings and laying down on the grass, then went.’

The previous incident was more sinister.

Mr Wilson said: ‘Four youngsters broke in, stole the spray paint, and painted their names all over the beach huts and one of our paths. Our shed was also trashed.’

The owner added he can only do so much with security; he already has an eight to 12ft perimeter fence which is awash with anti-climbing paint, but the small family-run business cannot afford a guard.

Mr Wilson said he is hopeful that sharing the incidents on social media and with the police will act as a deterrence.

He added: ‘We don’t want to make the place look like Fort Knox, we want it nice and appealing.

‘We always publicly post on Facebook every time it happens, to show kids it isn’t worth it.

‘If you do, you’ll be plastered all over social media and investigat­ed by the police.’

A spokeswoma­n from Hampshire Constabula­ry said the first incident is under investigat­ion.

 ?? ?? Owner Mark Wilson said his workshop was ‘trashed’ after youths broke in on May 19 and stole his spray paint
Owner Mark Wilson said his workshop was ‘trashed’ after youths broke in on May 19 and stole his spray paint

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