Portsmouth News

A fitting weekend for a dignified monarch


As late Sunday afternoon turned to early evening, just as forecast, the heavens opened. It was a particular­ly British way to round off a bank holiday weekend, and of course, everyone who was at a street party at the time reacted in a particular­ly British kind of way, getting out the umbrellas, some in a fetching Union Flag design, and posing for our photograph­ers.

It rounded off a great weekend, during which this area once again did itself proud. The hot sun of Thursday may have seemed but a distant memory by torrential Sunday, but we saw this area, as it always does for big events, come out in force.

Portsmouth council leader Gerald Vernon-Jackson speculated on Twitter that the city had seen more street parties than anywhere else in the country.

We’ll see if that can be verified, but certainly looking through the list compiled by The News – of which we tried to get to as many possible but sadly found this impossible – there were dozens in Portsmouth alone, and certainly hundreds across our circulatio­n area.

And what did we learn from the weekend?

We know that there is a huge affection for the Queen, despite the actions of other members of the monarchy. This weekend was all about Her Majesty and the achievemen­t which remains, no matter how many times you hear the words ‘platinum jubilee’, jaw-dropping. She has been the monarch for longer than some great-grandparen­ts have been alive. She became Queen seven years after the end of the Second World War. This is astounding. Even the most ardent republican cannot but be impressed by this.

The Queen commands such affection not just because of longevity, but her behaviour. She is inscrutabl­e, dignified, regal. She has set a standard for any who follow her. They should watch and learn.

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