Portsmouth News

Let’s show them how we feel about this project


When then business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng refused permission for the Aquind energy interconne­ctor project in January 2022 there was much jubilation in and around Portsmouth.

The scheme is one of those rare beasts which has managed to unite all political parties and the people in a News-backed campaign, and allowed us all to agree: we do not want this.

From the Conservati­ve MP in Portsmouth North, Penny Mordaunt, to Labour’s Stephen Morgan in Portsmouth South and the Lib Dem-run city council, you would not find a voice calling for this to go ahead. Even groups on the other side of the Channel in France are against it.

However, it was noted at the time that celebratio­ns may be a little premature as there was every chance that Aquind could appeal the decision. And somewhat predictabl­y, of course they did.

Then early this year, in a bitter blow, Mr Kwarteng’s decision was overturned following a High Court judicial review.

It is now in the hands of energy secretary Grant Shapps to decide on the matter.

Today is the deadline for submission­s on the matter, a month later than originally planned after both Aquind and Hampshire County Council asked for an extension.

But those opposed to the plans have not lain idle.

Last week we published a letter from Aquind to the city – the first time the company has made any direct engagement with us.

On pages six and seven today we lay out the detailed response of the Let’s Stop Aquind campaign group to that letter. Today also sees plans for a public rally to take place in Guildhall Square, Portsmouth from midday to 1pm.

Let’s turn out in numbers and show Aquind our feelings – as if they are in any doubt by this point – about their proposals.

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