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LEO (Jul 24-Aug 23)

To avoid boredom you need a constant diet of stimulatin­g company and plenty things to do. If neither is available, put on your coat and go out looking for it. A friend or neighbour will welcome your company, conversati­on and even help with a job they are trying to finish.

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)

Someone you have recently met will ask for some help or advice. You may not be sure about how much assistance to give for it could be this person is using you. Play it by ear.

As you get to know them better you will feel more certain about this relationsh­ip.

VIRGO (Aug 24-Sep 23)

The pace you are working at will seem exhausting for some people but not so, you. The challenge will actually stimulate you and keep you keen to accomplish a task you find inspiratio­nal. Not only do you feel energetic and motivated but you also have excellent leadership qualities.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 20)

Your partner or closest friend will seem so sensitive and touchy you have to constantly watch what you are saying to them. You will quickly realise they are in need of a little tender loving care. A few kind words or a hug might help reduce the stress they are under.

TAURUS (Apr 21-May 21)

Plan ahead. When is your peak energy time of the day? Arrange it so you can deal with jobs that demand most energy and attention at that time. You’re working to improve standards in the workplace.

Leave a few hours free at the end of the day to chill.

LIBRA (Sep 24-Oct 23)

Someone close is hoping to make some changes. You foresee problems if they do go ahead with their ideas. Before they try turning things upside down, do your best to persuade them to see things your way.

Be ready to refuse when you are asked to join them.

AQUARIUS (Jan 21-Feb 19)

You are ready to take the bull by the horns with regard to a job or family-related situation that no one else seems in any hurry to resolve.

For reasons you can’t explain you feel a sudden need to be active and to sort things out once and for all.

GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)

Be sure to call on people who have made it clear through their words and actions that they are quite happy to lend you a helping hand whenever it is needed.

You are hopeful for a positive outcome now that you have the support of some talented friends.

SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)

Avoid topics that might cause conflict if you want to keep the atmosphere harmonious. If someone refuses to discuss a medical issue, leave it until another day. It doesn’t matter if some subjects remain unresolved just as long as you get through the day with the minimum of fuss and bother.

PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20))

You have a wonderful imaginatio­n and ideas just flow into your mind. You won’t be able to put all your thoughts into action but don’t let them go to waste. Make copious notes for future reference.

Enjoy any chance you get to be creative.

CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 23)

Be open and honest.

That way, there can be no misunderst­andings. If you try to hide your true needs, feelings or motives, confusion will be the only result. If you need a favour, ask outright.

You will get what you are after much faster.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov 23-Dec 21)

A housemate or nearby neighbour will trust you with a secret they have been hugging to themselves. As you listen you will realise you can help them solve a problem.

Don’t hesitate about offering your assistance. They will be grateful to share their load.

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