Portsmouth News

Vacant city building set to be turned into support centre for young people


Chaucer House is set to be transforme­d into a support centre for young people after Portsmouth City Council received government funding for four youth projects.

The former student accommodat­ion building will be transforme­d into a youth facility as part of the government’s Youth Investment Fund.

The fund commits more than £300m to renovate up to 300 facilities over the next two years – supporting an additional 45,000 young people per year across the country.

Portsmouth City Council plans to spend £1,393,259 on refurbishi­ng King George V Playing Fields in Cosham, the works for Chaucer House, and improvemen­ts to the Drayton scout hut and a community centre in Hillside.

A council spokespers­on said: “It is being refurbishe­d to provide a city centre venue which will offer support to young people.

“The facility will be used by both the voluntary sector and Portsmouth City Council services.

“The building is empty and was available for the council to let.”

Stephen Morgan, the Labour MP for Portsmouth South, added: “I want every young person in our city to get the skills they need for work and life to succeed and thrive.

“That’s why I welcome the grant awarded to our city to renovate Chaucer House in our city centre to support an additional 124 young people per year.

“The transforma­tion of an empty building in the heart of Portsmouth is long overdue and I am pleased this will benefit the future generation of our city.

“I will continue to lobby the government to ensure our community gets the investment it deserves.”

The initial proposal by the city council detailed plans to renovate the interior and exterior of the facility.

This would provide opportunit­ies for career support, counsellin­g provision, volunteeri­ng and access to partner organisati­ons.

Penny Mordaunt, the Conservati­ve MP for Portsmouth North and leader of the House of Commons, welcomed the funding, including £18,000 for the 70th Portsmouth 1st Drayton Scout Group and £11,714 for the Hillside and Wymering Centre.

She said: “I wish to offer my thanks to those who have worked tirelessly on bids to the central government.

“It is because of their work that today we have secured these awards.

“This is great news for Portsmouth, great news for the successful projects and great news for the many young people who will benefit from this money and better facilities.”

Cllr Suzy Horton, the city council’s cabinet member for children, families and education, also expressed her delight.

She said: “This is the culminatio­n of a long-term vision by Portsmouth City Council of developing highqualit­y venues for our young people as part of our vision for current youth services.

“The Youth Investment Funding bid came about after we identified Chaucer House as a great central hub for running some youth services from, as well as providing a venue where young people would want to be.

“We’re pleased that this is one part of an emerging picture of high-quality venues and opportunit­ies for young people in the city, and we’re particular­ly proud that our Youth Cabinet and other youth groups were involved in the design.”

It is being refurbishe­d to provide a venue which will support young people

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 ?? ?? Portsmouth City Council has received government funding for four youth projects, including the conversion of Chaucer House into a support centre for young people
Portsmouth City Council has received government funding for four youth projects, including the conversion of Chaucer House into a support centre for young people

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