Portsmouth News

Whisper it softly, but I feel we can finish in the top two…!


Gaffer For A Day George Morrison, aged 30 from Southsea, dissects Pompey's 1-0 win at Carlisle

What’s your assessment?

Overall, it wasn’t a good performanc­e, the first half was pretty bad. However, we won a game when we didn’t play well, which is great.

We picked up three points a long way away from home when we were nowhere near our best. Whisper it softly, I feel we can finish first or second.

We definitely improved in the second half. The first half was scrappy, we didn’t necessaril­y look too dangerous, but we were comfortabl­e. After the break we definitely had control.

In the end, it was a good first-time finish from Paddy Lane, that’s all it took to win this one.

Who stood out for you?

Abu Kamara was my man of the match, he made a real difference when he came on.

Before he was introduced, it was a drab game, pretty even, and, without his contributi­on, I don’t think we would have won.

As soon as he was on the ball, he made things happen, he excited the crowd a bit, and that pass for Paddy Lane to score from was quality.

Kamara looks like a Championsh­ip player in this league, top drawer.

You gave Myles Peart-Harris a low mark?

He was really poor, maybe he tried to do too much. I don’t know whether he was attempting to be too clever, but he didn’t contribute anything.

I was at Port Vale for his debut, which was really exciting, and I’ve not seen him since, I didn’t get to Oxford United or Northampto­n, but I’ve heard pretty good things. Unfortunat­ely he was shocking against Carlisle.

Peart-Harris is one of those players that when he’s good, he will be very good, so Saturday may have been a one-off.

What do you make of the promotion race now?

With Peterborou­gh, Bolton and Derby dropping points on Saturday - and us winning - you have to be encouraged.

It definitely feels like we are over the Christmas slump with four wins in five. In previous years, the wheels have started to come off at this stage.

We had a really good transfer window and obviously a few injuries, but we’re still a good-enough squad to cope with those setbacks.

It feels good, and I’m looking for some wood to touch as I’m saying that!

 ?? ?? Marlon Pack impressed our Gaffer For a Day
Marlon Pack impressed our Gaffer For a Day
 ?? Picture: Jason Brown/ProSportsI­mages ?? Abu Kamara was chosen by Gaffer For A Day George Morrison as his man of the match
Picture: Jason Brown/ProSportsI­mages Abu Kamara was chosen by Gaffer For A Day George Morrison as his man of the match

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