Portsmouth News

Mous: Not a vintage performanc­e, but we did enough to win it


John Mousinho toasted Pompey strengthen­ing their grip on the League

One promotion spots, but admitted: ‘It wasn’t a vintage performanc­e’.

The Blues secured a fourth win in five matches through Paddy Lane’s 62ndminute winner at rockbottom Carlisle on Saturday.

But head coach Mousinho conceded their latest victory failed to match their impressive showing in the previous weekend’s 4-1 win over Northampto­n.

He told The News:

‘It wasn’t a vintage performanc­e, certainly compared to last week, but well enough to win the game.

‘I don’t think we were backs to the wall by any means, we remained in the game and had the best chances. To come away, win a game, keep a clean sheet and be the dominant side was really pleasing.

‘There were loads of aspects of the performanc­e we could do better at, particular­ly starting the game. I thought we were slightly sloppy for the opening 25 minutes.

‘After (goalkeeper)

Will (Norris) got a bit of treatment, we livened up a bit, but in the final third there was still a bit more we could have done to create a few more chances.

‘I suppose that’s a familiar story to the times when we’ve struggled this season, but if you get to half-time away from home and it’s 0-0, it gives you a chance to tweak things and change the game in terms of substituti­ons, which we managed to do.

‘Towards the back end we defended really well and Will didn’t have a save to make, which was really, really pleasing. We obviously dealt with Carlisle’s direct threat and saw the game out relatively comfortabl­y, without conceding any chances.

‘We didn’t get the levels of last week. There were glimpses where it could have done, it was a superb goal, for instance.

‘We would have put the game to bed if we got the second, maybe we then become a bit more relaxed and don’t tighten up quite as much as we did in the last 1520 minutes.’

He added: ‘Probably my only criticism is that we stopped playing a bit. We went a bit longer, you have to find that right balance between going long, shelling it, defending your own box and actually trying to play a bit.’

 ?? Pictures: Jason Brown ?? Myles Peart-Harris tussles for the ball against Carlisle
Pictures: Jason Brown Myles Peart-Harris tussles for the ball against Carlisle
 ?? ?? Blues head coach John Mousinho at Brunton Park on Saturday
Blues head coach John Mousinho at Brunton Park on Saturday

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