Portsmouth News

Ring taken from patient’s hand as he slept at QA


A “disgusting” thief ripped off an elderly man’s wedding ring he has worn for 50 years while he was ill at Queen Alexandra Hospital.

The incident happened on Friday night in the dark as the 83-year-old slept and was delirious. The pensioner has worn the gold ring without ever taking it off for the last 50 years. The item is of great sentimenta­l value after his wife died three years ago and is inscribed with her name.

The victim’s daughter Laura Martin is appealing for informatio­n. She said: “Please help us find my dad’s ring. It’s not worth anything, it’s just sentimenta­l. I just want to get it back for him

“My father is currently in hospital and has his wedding ring stolen. A low-life scum literally ripped it off his hand while he slept overnight. He has delirium and he doesn't know what’s going on most of the time which makes it worse. Dad remembers it was ripped off his hand in the dark.

“It’s inscribed with ‘Mary’ and a date. I want this found.

Mum died three years ago and he hasn’t taken it off for 50 years. Help me find it please.”

People responding to a social media post on Laura’s appeal recounted similar stories at the hospital. One person said: “Good luck, my 90 year old dad had a gold necklace stolen at QA last year, which his late wife gave him many, many years ago.

“I fought and fought with PALS at QA, kept going round in circles with each department blaming the other and the ambulance service. I got nowhere… provided evidence he was wearing it too. Lesson learnt. Never wear jewellery in hospital. Unfortunat­ely no one can be trusted anymore.”

Another wrote: “I've experience­d a similar thing many years ago when my mum was in QA, no one knew anything about it.”

A third said: “Disgusting. Unfortunat­ely we had valuables stolen from a family member in the past too. Hope it is reunited with you.”

A police spokespers­on said: “We received a report at 11.53am on Saturday 6 April of a theft at QA Hospital. It was reported that some time between 5pm on Friday 5 April and 11am on 6 April, a patient aged in his 80s had a wedding ring removed from his finger whilst he was in hospital.”

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The stolen wedding ring

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