Portsmouth News

What do you want to see our church do in the future?

- By the Rev Mike Moritz

It may not be apparent from the outside, but the St Faith’s Church building in Lee-on-the-solent celebrated its 90th birthday last year. While the outside may be sturdy, and adjacent halls are more contempora­ry, the interior of the church, with its beautiful and listed view, is showing signs of age and needs a little tender loving care.

Never ones to pass up an opportunit­y to help our community, St Faith’s has decided that any renewal of the church and parish centre are an opportunit­y to do a number of important things to bless other people.

Principall­y we want to renew and adapt our existing buildings to better serve the needs of local people – those who live in and around Lee-on-the-solent.

That means we’d like to both maintain and update the worship space, hoping to make it adaptable for other community uses beyond Sunday worship.

We are also concerned to update the building in a way that reduces our environmen­tal impact.

And we also love our history and want to promote the interpreta­tion of the heritage of St Faith’s Church to engage with the wider community.

As such, from now through until midjune, we are inviting the people of Lee-onthe-solent, alongside our worshippin­g community, to tell us what you would like to see.

Before plans are drawn up, we want to know how you think changes to St Faith’s and its buildings could help the people of Lee. You may have intriguing ideas we haven’t thought of.

If you are sat there reading this, we’d like to hear from you. You may think to yourself that you’ve never been to St Faith’s or you don’t know much about the church. Neverthele­ss, we’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas.

You can visit www.stfaithsle­e.org. uk/90plus, where you will find some more informatio­n, photos and a link to the online survey.

We are, of course, aware that not everyone is happy with online surveys, so we will also have paper copies of the survey available in the church in Victoria Square. Do pop in if you’d prefer.

The survey will only take 10 minutes and will help shape the future of the church and parish centre in such a way that it continues to serve the Lee-on-the-solent community for the next 90 years.

St Faith’s Church, Victoria Square, Lee-on-thesolent, PO13 9NF www.stfaithsle­e.org.uk

Curate, St Faith’s Church, Lee-on-solent

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