Portsmouth News

I’m tired of life at 83 and nothing interests me any more, what can I do?

- With Fiona Caine

QI am 83 years old and live alone. My lifelong partner died 15 years ago, and I have done what I can to stay motivated and fit, but I think I am just running out of steam.

Nothing interests me anymore except my daughter, who lives at the other end of the country, and my son who is 45 and in care with learning difficulti­es.

Over the years I have kept in touch with good friends and old colleagues, but these seem to be dropping like flies recently. I sit on a couple of committees locally – a church group and a local charity – but these have become so dull. They talk endlessly and seldom do anything differentl­y.

I used to exercise regularly, but this is getting harder, as well as increasing­ly expensive.

I am bored and life is dragging me down. I’d like to enjoy myself again but don’t know what to do about it.

AI am so sorry that you are feeling down, but please don’t give up. You’ve clearly had a busy, full life, and I feel sure that there must be something that can fire up your enthusiasm again.

The University of the Third Age (u3a.org.uk) is a membership organisati­on that might suit you. It encourages like-minded groups of retired or older people to get together to learn new things and develop interests, as well as make new friends.

Alternativ­ely, if you have access to a computer or tablet/laptop, you can get access to a wide range of online interest groups.

If you’re able, perhaps consider being more involved as a volunteer in what a charity actually does, rather than its committees, as you might find this more rewarding and interestin­g. Lastly, consider joining in with local arts groups.

“The University of the Third Ageisa membership organisati­on that might suit you

Write to Fiona Caine c/o Hollie Busby, The News, Technopole, Kingston Crescent, North End, Portsmouth, PO2 8FA or hollie.busby@nationalwo­rld.com Fiona regrets that she cannot enter into personal correspond­ence, nor pass letters on to other readers.

 ?? ?? Life still has plenty to offer.
Picture: Alamy/pa
Life still has plenty to offer. Picture: Alamy/pa
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