Portsmouth News

A matter of fact


We strive to ensure all the news we report is fair and accurate. However, if you have a complaint, please contact us using the details above. If you remain dissatisfi­ed, then you can contact the Independen­t Press Standards Organisati­on, IPSO, at Gate House, 1 Farringdon Street, London, EC4M 7LG (Tel: 0300 123 2220) or email: inquiries@ipso.co.uk communitie­s and bus services are facing a spiral of decline.

Bus services get people to work, patients to their hospital appointmen­ts and children to school, yet up and down the country services are vanishing.

That’s why Labour has announced its Plan for Better Buses – the biggest reform to England’s buses in 40 years, which would put power back in the hands of the communitie­s who depend on buses the most.

Our plans mean up to 1,300 vital bus routes saved and created across England, and better buses delivered faster by breaking down the barriers to public control of bus services.

Britain is one of the few places in the developed world that hands operators power to slash bus services and hike fares, with little say for the communitie­s who depend on them. Decades of failed deregulati­on have left communitie­s with little say over the essential services they rely on.

Our plans for government would end the postcode lottery of bus services, support every community to Take Back Control of their bus services, and would give them the power to set routes, fares and services. Labour would also overturn the Conservati­ves’ ideologica­l ban on municipal bus companies.

To back my plan for better buses, visit my website.

Stephen Morgan Portsmouth South MP

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