Portsmouth News

Scary movies


Diana Stirling

My late husband and I saw Psycho in Truro many years ago and I swear we both had our hair stood on end on the drive all the way back to Helston. It was the first of its kind. Later we all got more used to horror movies but I still remember that night!

Richard Martin

Final Destinatio­n 2

Robert Cox

Sinister or The Conjuring

Julie Waby

The Exorcist

Robert Grey

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. The ghastly shriek of those Toot Sweets haunts me to this day

Helen Moorhouse

The Hills Have Eyes – the first one

Richard Welch

Don’t know, I was too scared to watch it

Emma Townsend

The Grudge, The Hills Have

Eyes (1970 version), all the Michael Myers and Freddie Krueger films

Martin Waldron

Carrie, without doubt

Grant Beeson

The Exorcist

Mandy Parent

The Exorcist, The Shining

Tina Payne

BBC'S Ghostwatch from the ’90s

Stephen Claymon

Breakdance 2 - Electric Boogaloo

Roy Cole

The Haunting, the black and white version, 1960s. Absolutely terrified me!

Tara Keenan

Grave Encounters. The storyline was ok but the acting was the scariest thing

Mandy Parent


Trevor Pannell

Sound of Music

Rod Williams

I watched the Blair Witch Project on a really stormy night. Only me in the house, probably three quarters of the way through the movie the central heating fired up – scared the life out of me. You can still see my fingernail­s in the ceiling

Roland Haselton

The Orphanage is a great ghost story that I thoroughly recommend. Don’t be put off by the subtitles either.

Steven Dyte

I accidental­ly switched to BBC Parliament. It's the scariest channel I've seen

Stephen Edmonds

World War Z, I didn't know Zombies could run that fast

Graham Archibald

The Evil Dead (the original) way back when. Then walking back past the woods at midnight aged 15 - when I say ‘walk’, more of a sprint

Sarah Cragg

The original Witches with Angelica Houston. I was about the same age as the boy in it when I watched it and it proper scared me. I had nightmares

Nichola Bryce

The Woman in Black. I have never screamed so much in the cinema

Jonathan Alistair Jackson

The Exorcist – seen back when it was made

Radu Cristian

A Clockwork Orange – don’t know if I can categorise this as horror

Marie Hembrow

Squirm. I walked out

 ?? ?? 1973’s The Exorcist definitely scared many of our readers
1973’s The Exorcist definitely scared many of our readers

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