Portsmouth News

Four day week: It’s down to us to make it work

Four-day week is a dream for many, but it’s not without issues


A four-day working week can be a success in Britain if staff and employers are up to facing the challenges it will bring, writes Miriam Marra.

It sounds like a dream for many people currently working five days a week: how about just doing four days and having a long weekend?

When the weekends feel too short and the pressure of holding down a full-time job pushes workers to the limit, a four-day working week may appear very attractive.

How does this happen in practice though, and can it become commonplac­e? Well, recent news about four-day working week trials show different outcomes.

Results from the biggest trial in the UK (involving more than 60 companies and nearly 3,000 employees) showed that 89% of participat­ing companies are still implementi­ng the four-day week, and

51% have decided to make it permanent. The study reveals a drop in employees’ burnout and fewer people leaving jobs, which is consistent with other studies.

A few days ago, the supermarke­t chain

Asda concluded its own experiment with a four-day working week, deciding not to continue with it.

But at the same time, South Cambridges­hire Council has declared its trial, involving 450 desk staff and refuse collectors, as successful. It claims a boost in productivi­ty, a 39% reduction in staff turnover and estimated savings of £371,500, mostly in staff agency costs, in what was the biggest-ever public sector trial in the UK.

It is important to distinguis­h between different types of experiment­s conducted by organisati­ons. Taking these most recent examples, South Cambridges­hire Council’s trial was based on a work schedule where staff received 100% of their pay for 80% of their time, with a target of completing 100% of their work.

A similar working-time reduction was central to the larger UK four-day week experiment, where participat­ing companies from a range of sectors and sizes were given the choice of implementi­ng different solutions, maintainin­g

100% pay with a meaningful reduction in work time.

Can the work physically be done?

Asda’s four-day working week trial required squeezing 44 hours into four days rather than five, for the same pay. Employees were asked to work a daily 11-hour shift, and some found this was too physically demanding and exhausting. It was also difficult for those with care responsibi­lities or those who relied on public transport.

Notably, while Asda has decided not to continue the experiment, it announced that the trial of a flexible 39-hour week (over five days) will continue until the end of the year. Flexible work solutions do not stop at the four-day working week, if organisati­ons are willing to explore them.

It’s important to pay attention to the type of feedback and results that are revealed.

For instance, the report on South Cambridges­hire Council’s results mostly focus on performanc­e improvemen­ts in key work areas, but the analysis of the results need to include some clear employees’ feedback.

Staff views are key to understand­ing the success of these experiment­s.

An interestin­g point made by South Cambridges­hire Council is that it trialled the four-day working week because it cannot compete with other employers on salaries alone, and it’s important for recruiting new staff and retaining the existing ones.

The four-day working week can indeed be part of a package of benefits for employees, and this may be crucial for the public sector when faced with limited resources.

Will it motivate employees?

Neverthele­ss, we need to consider possible risks in this approach. For example, is it a reason for employers not to offer adequate or higher pay in the middle of a cost of living crisis? Or is it a reason for employees to work multiple jobs? While the latter is an individual choice, it should not be caused by the former.

The four-day working week, like other flexiblewo­rk solutions, should be offered by employers who want to recruit talented and motivated employees, invest in them, and offer them time and opportunit­ies to upskill. All of this will help staff to be more productive in their jobs.

Other European countries have also considered the four-day working week, such as Portugal, which has just completed a successful six-month trial with 41 companies. In February this year Germany started its own four-day week trial with 45 companies.

Greece, however, has recently taken the opposite approach. Some companies and businesses providing 24/7 services can now move to a six-day working week instead of the traditiona­l five days (or a 48-hour week instead of 40 hours). The Greek government has explained the legislatio­n as a way of addressing shortage of skilled workers and low productivi­ty levels. But, interestin­gly, these are also motives behind the Portuguese and German four-day working week trials.

Past research has shown that longer working hours and working weeks do not necessaril­y mean higher productivi­ty. This is true especially in a country where people already work already too long (considerin­g the legally declared worked hours), and more inefficien­tly, with stagnant wages.

Is it the best flexible option?

In general, the wisdom of a four-day (or six-day) working week as a countrywid­e approach is highly debatable. Businesses opt for tailored hybrid approaches to flexible work that are not limited to the four-day working week, and depend also on firms’ finances and culture, as we show in our recent research.

Importantl­y, workers also have different preference­s and make trade-offs with employers. They may call for flexible work patterns that change where, and not just when, they work.

Ultimately, with the right arrangemen­ts in place which are tailored to business needs and framed within policies supported by modern government­s, companies may manage these changes in work effectivel­y to ensure an engaged and productive workforce.

This article was written by Miriam Marra, Associate Professor of Finance and co-director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at Henley Business School, University of Reading. It originally appeared in The Conversati­on.

 ?? ?? Calls are growing in the UK for employers to adopt a four-day working weeks. Miriam Marra analyses why many
Calls are growing in the UK for employers to adopt a four-day working weeks. Miriam Marra analyses why many

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