Man accused of helping killer: ‘I would not cover up anything’
A man accused of helping a murderer after a cocaine robbery told police: “I would not cover up anything.”
Levi Kent, 22, was repeatedly stabbed by Tommy West, 18, when he was lured to shops behind Nobes Avenue after 2am on November 24 having refused to defer payment on a deal.
Tommy West, of
Fisgard Road, Gosport, has admitted murder, robbery and possession of a blade. His half-brother Aiden
West, 24, of Tudor Close, Gosport, denies murder and possession of a blade but admits robbery.
Peter West, 42, of Fisgard Road, and Michael Figgins, 64, of St Ann’s Crescent, are also on trial, with each charged with two counts of assisting an offender.
Portsmouth Crown Court heard how Peter West – the step-dad of Aiden West – handed his biological son Tommy West into police following Levi’s murder.
The court was told how Peter West arranged for his step-dad Figgins to pick him up in his car before they collected the West brothers on November 24.
However, Tommy West was not delivered to police until around 5pm as officers hunted the brothers.
Under questioning from detectives, Figgins recalled how Tommy West insisted on saying his goodbyes to Mr Ballard, his step-sister and his dog en route to the police station before also visiting a Mcdonald’s.
Speaking of when he picked up the three West men, Figgins said: “When I picked Peter up he said someone had died. Peter was saying in the car the best thing (for Tommy West) is for him to hand himself in.
“I couldn’t believe Tommy was responsible. He’s such a good kid when he stays with us.”
When Figgins was accused of helping Tommy West, he said: “I haven’t assisted an offender. I’ve assisted the police by picking him up and handing him in.”
He added: “I would not cover up anything for Tommy or anyone else. I have no part in this. I wish Peter had his own car and I wouldn’t be involved in this.”
Figgins went on to say if they did not make the stopoffs Tommy West insisted on then he “would have done a runner”, adding: “He has a hatred and fear of the police.
“If he had seen the police coming he would have legged it 100 per cent.”