Portsmouth News

Policing students get their degrees

- With prediction­s by event, on how the biggest names in the sport will perform.

Churchill Living, said: “These awards recognise an unwavering commitment to creating homes of the highest standard and are testament to the hard work of Tom, his team and subcontrac­tor partners.

“The housing and constructi­on market has seen a difficult couple of years, but the commitment of our teams to deliver the best possible apartments for our customers has not diminished. My thanks go to Tom and his team at Thackeray Lodge for taking pride in the job and delivering an exceptiona­l developmen­t for local over 60s to enjoy.”

Tom said: “I am over the moon to receive such a prestigiou­s award within our industry, and to be recognised for doing my job and building apartments to an exceptiona­l standard.

“Winning a Pride in the Job award is not easy and cannot be done alone. I am incredibly lucky to have a hard-working team around me who all share my determinat­ion and dedication to ensuring a high quality product for our owners at Thackeray Lodge.”

University of Portsmouth

The University of Portsmouth has welcomed more 50 policing students at this year's graduation ceremony.

Police officers from Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Constabula­ry, Surrey Police and Sussex Police attended the event to celebrate the student’s success in achieving their policing degrees.

The students have all completed the BSC Profession­al Policing Practice course, also known as the Police Constable

Degree Apprentice­ship (PCDA). Police students study this course as part of a degree apprentice­ship.

The PCDA has been heralded as the biggest change to police training in decades. New recruits enrol on a three-year degree course led by the Police Education Consortium.

The Consortium is formed by the partnershi­p of four universiti­es - Portsmouth, Middlesex, Canterbury Christ Church and Cumbria. The consortium has a contract to deliver the PCDA with three forces – Surrey and Sussex Police Forces and Hampshire Constabula­ry. This was the first graduation for the Hampshire Police student cohort.

Steve Woliter, Programme Lead on the PCDA programme at the university, said: “This is a fantastic achievemen­t for these officers, on day one of their policing careers they become not only a fullyfledg­ed police officers but also university students who undertake academic study whilst working as an operationa­l police officer. The Police Education Team at Portsmouth are delighted that so many of these students achieve a first-class honour, you could see the delight on the students' faces as they celebrated today with family, friends and policing colleagues.”

The event was also attended by senior staff from each police organisati­on, Assistant Chief Office Gemma GAIR from Hampshire Constabula­ry and Joy Chant, Head of Learning for Surrey and Sussex Police were present on stage for the graduation and later read citations for students who were awarded prizes this year.

Prize winners:

PC Becky Marshall, from Hampshire Constabula­ry, won Most Inspiratio­nal Student across all programmes within the School of Criminolog­y 2024

PC Elinor Williams won Hampshire Constabula­ry Student of the Year 2024

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PC Elinor Williams who won Hampshire Constabula­ry Student of the Year
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