Practical Boat Owner



Finalising the jig

Turn the jig over and clamp it into the Workmate, or overhangin­g the end of your workbench. You will need two pieces of the timber to be planed, each about 100mm long, to use as side stops, plus a thin piece of material to be the plane bearer. The thinner this is, the shorter can be your plane. I used a piece of 5mm wall cladding. A piece of thin plastic (a ruler) or Tufnol would do.

The longer the scarf the stronger it will be, but also the longer the plane you will need. Multiply the thickness of the timber you will be planing (in this case 15mm) by the slope, ie if you want a 1:10 slope, mark a pencil line 150mm in from the end of the jig.

Fix the first side stop such that the edge facing the end of the jig is on the pencil line. Measure off the number of pieces of timber you want to process at a time and fix the second side stop.

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