Practical Boat Owner

Waking up to a new season

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Fool’s spring is what they call it, and rightly so – because although the temperatur­es were forecast, only a fool would have actually believed it possible to spend an entire day out on the water without feeling the cold even once. In February! The weather has reverted to type now, but the new season is well and truly in my bones. If only someone could convince me that climate change isn’t real...

So what does 2019 hold for you? Almost certainly a brand new boat show experience by the looks of things. Beaulieu Boatjumble is cancelled and Beale Park has also fallen by the wayside, so why not strike out for a new show somewhere? Peter Poland gathered all the details for us in this issue.

Plans for the summer? The

Norfolk Broads is a brilliant destinatio­n. But don’t hang about! I sneaked a look at the availabili­ty for the 45ft Broads Cruiser San Bernadette in our feature on page 40 and she’s fully booked for summer 2019 already!

I’ve booked some time in August to head back over to Holland. Nothing as adventurou­s as the mast-up route as described by Russell Yardley on page 90, but I can vouch for the friendline­ss of the Dutch. Let’s hope Brexit doesn’t divide the European hosts from their welcoming ways when they hear the English asking for directions this summer.

And finally, there’s nothing more reassuring than knowing your machinery; familiarit­y with your engine through regular servicing breeds respect and affection – the opposite of contempt.

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Sunrise on the Groote Brekken near Lemmer, 2014
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