Practical Boat Owner

Communicat­ions revamp for ‘Eyes along the coast’ charity


The National Coastwatch Institutio­n (NCI) is to modernise its communicat­ions system.

Windsor Telecom has been chosen to manage and upgrade connectivi­ty and communicat­ions to 57 stations around the UK, and to support innovation­s such as wireless monitoring and rescue cameras in remote locations to better support the NCI’s 2,500 volunteers. Work will include site-by-site upgrades to the best available internet connection­s, using a mix of fibre broadband, and 4G or 5G mobile connectivi­ty; replacemen­t of legacy PSTN voice services with cloud telephony and DECT handsets; enhanced security through business-grade firewalls; and a guided volunteer-led install and rollout programme.

For more than 25 years, NCI has worked alongside HM Coastguard and the RNLI. During 2021, NCI volunteers participat­ed in 700-plus search and rescue incidents, but for too long the Coastwatch stations have been relatively cut off when scanning the remote areas they serve, relying on outdated, consumerba­sed technology.

The new five-year plan aims to expand the service into new locations and take on more education and prevention work, to attract volunteers and work more collaborat­ively with other search and rescue organisati­ons. Pete Tomlinson, Windsor Telecom CEO, said: “As a lifelong sailor who can remember a time before the internet and communicat­ions services were ubiquitous, I know first-hand how helpful these tools can be, especially in an emergency. I also know first-hand what a fantastic job the NCI and their volunteers do, keeping eyes along the coast and feel privileged to be working alongside them to move into a digital future.”

 ?? ?? ABOVE Volunteer Bob Butler scans the sea at St Ives, Cornwall INSET National Coastwatch station at Prawle Point, Devon
ABOVE Volunteer Bob Butler scans the sea at St Ives, Cornwall INSET National Coastwatch station at Prawle Point, Devon

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