Practical Caravan

What next for Brexit?


As we went to press, questions still remained over the likelihood of any Brexit deal. Here, we take a look at what might happen to your travel documents after 29 March EHIC and pet passport

While the wrangle over the deal with Europe continues, some of you might be wondering what will happen with regard to healthcare cover and pet passports after Brexit. Apparently, agreement has been reached in principle regarding European health cover – all relevant EU laws apply to UK travellers until 31 December 2020, meaning you will be able to use a valid EHIC card until that date. If a deal with Europe is eventually struck, pets can continue to travel to the EU with a pet passport. In the event of a no-deal exit, you should seek advice about pet travel from the website.

No deal? You might need to get a Green Card

If you’re planning to take your tourer across the Channel or to Ireland after 29 March, and we end up with a no-deal Brexit, you will need to have an Internatio­nal Driving Permit, as well as your UK driving licence. This costs £5.50 and will be available from post offices across the UK from 1 February. You might also need to have a Green Card as proof of insurance. You will need to order the Green Card a month before you travel, according to the Associatio­n of British Insurers. The European Commission has yet to confirm agreement by the European insurance authoritie­s to waive the Green Card.

No deal? Check your passport

Government advice states that you should have at least six months on your passport from the date of arrival if you wish to travel to countries within the Schengen area. Any extra months added to a passport (in the event of renewing before expiry) over 10 years might not count towards this. These rules do not apply when travelling to Ireland, and you will need to check the entry requiremen­ts for Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria. Check with guidance/passport-rules-for-travel-toeurope-after-brexit for clarity.

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