Practical Caravan


Lyndon Gee has a gorgeously guilt-free version of this delicious, warming dessert for your next tour


FRUIT CRUMBLES ARE a fantastic comfort food in winter, but made with lashings of butter, sugar and white flour, they can be a little unhealthy!

This version, however, is packed with superfoods and yet is still a satisfying and delicious pudding.

In this recipe, we’ve used a tasty mixture of oats and wholemeal breadcrumb­s, instead of white flour, which provides more fibre, vitamins and minerals.

Instead of butter, we’ve added some ground almonds. And instead of using lots of sugar, we’ve drizzled honey over the top, which gives a little sweetness and makes the topping pleasantly crunchy.

By making this recipe with Cox apples instead of cooking apples, there’s more natural sweetness, so there’s no need for sugar, and we’ve added a little apple juice, which helps to create a tasty sauce.

▪ Serves 6

▪ Preparatio­n time 15 minutes

▪ Cooking time 25 minutes

▪ Per portion 180 calories,

6g fat (of which, 0.5g saturated fat), 27g carbohydra­te (of which, 11g sugar), 5g protein, 4g fibre, 0.3g salt


• 4 slices wholemeal bread, roughly crumbled

• 50g rolled oats

• 50g ground almonds

• 2 Cox apples

• 200g punnet blackberri­es • Half a cup apple juice

• 2 tbsp runny honey


1 Place the crumbled bread, oats and almonds into a bowl and mix well.

2 Roughly chop the unpeeled, cored apples into chunks and put in an ovenproof dish.

3 Sprinkle the blackberri­es over the apples and add the apple juice.

4 Sprinkle the crumble mixture evenly over the fruit, then drizzle the honey on top.

5 Bake in a preheated oven (gas mark 6/200°C) for 15–20 minutes until golden brown.

6 Serve immediatel­y with custard!

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