Practical Caravan

‘Anyone who’s ever had a caravan stolen, damaged or burgled knows what a huge hassle it can be to sort everything out’


What’s the lighting like?

Lighting at your storage location will be another important feature. Pir-activated lights are better than fixed floodlight­s, because they will alert staff to intrusions when they come on, and can give thieves an unwelcome surprise when they are suddenly illuminate­d.

Are there CCTV cameras?

The perimeter and the inner area of the storage site should have CCTV coverage. The latest cameras have night-vision capability and high-resolution imagery, which can, for example, capture facial details or vehicle numberplat­es.

How do the alarms work?

The very best of the secure storage sites should have monitored alarm systems, which are designed to alert both the staff and the local police as soon as anything untoward might be happening.

What is the access like?

At which times of day can you access your caravan, if, say, you need an early start to catch the ferry? The better sites will offer customers excellent flexibilit­y, even if this is by prior arrangemen­t.

In addition, does the facility have wide roadways, to make entry and exit easier and safer when you are towing?

On what surface will vans be stored?

Will your caravan be kept in a grassy field or on hardstandi­ng? Will you be able to retrieve it easily following heavy rain? Are other services available?

Does the site you’re considerin­g offer extra services, such as leisure vehicle cleaning and servicing?

The best will have arrangemen­ts with trusted, Aws-approved mobile caravan technician­s, who can visit the facility to service your tourer. They can also arrange for replacemen­t tyres and repairs to minor body damage, dings and scuffs.

Likewise, many sites offer a caravan cleaning service, and some also stock gas bottles, so you’ll never be caught short. Together, these caravan-storage services help to ensure maximum security and convenienc­e, at all times.

How much will it cost?

The price of high-quality secure caravan storage depends very much on where you are in the country, your unit and the level of security on offer. You can expect to pay £200 to £700 a year in the north, and £350 to £1000-plus in the south-east.


Anyone who’s ever had a caravan stolen, damaged or burgled knows what a huge hassle it can be to sort everything out afterwards. For example, I know one couple with a much-loved older van, who had all of the sofa bases and backs stolen while it was in remote storage.

These proved a huge problem to replace, and they lost an entire season of caravannin­g while it was resolved. Caravanner­s with this kind of experience know the value of quality secure storage.

Budget might be the deciding factor in how and where you store your tourer, but there’s no doubt, well-run, bespoke secure facilities are the safest option.

If that’s not viable, however, follow our advice on making your caravan as secure as possible in other storage locations.

 ?? ?? Take a careful look around the site before you make your choice
Take a careful look around the site before you make your choice
 ?? ?? Robust fencing and electronic gates all contribute to the level of security on offer at a site
Robust fencing and electronic gates all contribute to the level of security on offer at a site
 ?? ?? Some storage facilities offer servicing, too
Some storage facilities offer servicing, too

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