Practical Caravan

Eastern England


There’s an aura of gentleness about Eastern England: something about those soft sunrises dappling the largely level landscape, punctuated by the occasional wolds or hills undulating across the scene.

The glorious sandy coastline and the exquisite Broads are matched in beauty by the classical architectu­re that defines Cambridge.

In the country Originally created through flooded peat diggings, the network of waterways that make up the Broads National Park is an absolute treasure, with neat canals, whitewashe­d windmills, and miles and miles of cycle tracks. Endless footpaths and quiet roads also make for superb walking. If you prefer to get active on the water, try the Beginners Introducti­on to SUP (stand up paddleboar­ding). A two-hour session with Norfolk Outdoor Adventures costs £45. visitthebr­ norfolkout­dooradvent­

In the city The wonderful city of Cambridge on the River Cam (punt, anyone?) is well worth a visit, if only to revel in the glorious architectu­re of the university colleges. Don’t miss King’s College Chapel (tickets cost £13), which dates back to 1441. visitcambr­

By the water The Norfolk Coast AONB is full of wonderful beaches, from Holkham to Cromer – take your pick. For a truly unique experience, consider taking a cruise to see the seal colony at Blakeney National Nature Reserve. A number of boats are available from Morston Quay, including the Ptarmigan, with journeys costing from £20 per adult. blakeneypo­intsealtri­ tickets-times/ visitnorfo­

 ?? ?? Norfolk Broads TASTY MORSEL Try Norfolk Plough Pudding, a steamed sausagemea­t and bacon pudding traditiona­lly served on Plough Monday, the first Monday after epiphany
Norfolk Broads TASTY MORSEL Try Norfolk Plough Pudding, a steamed sausagemea­t and bacon pudding traditiona­lly served on Plough Monday, the first Monday after epiphany
 ?? ?? Punting in Cambridge
Punting in Cambridge

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