Practical Caravan

Somerset, Avon & Wiltshire


This is a small corner of the country, but collective­ly, Somerset, Avon & Wiltshire create an area where many significan­t places converge. Something about those ancient ley lines around Stonehenge and Avebury draws the public here.

It’s also known for its major cultural centres, in Bristol and Bath, and of course, as the gateway to the south-west proper.

In the country Did you see photos of the Northern Lights over Stonehenge recently? It’s a magical place, with or without the glorious aurora, and should you visit, there’s an accompanyi­ng exhibition to explain the story behind the stones (tickets cost £20). If you want to enjoy more of this unique landscape, The Ridgeway Trail runs for 87 miles from Avebury in Wiltshire, and this year celebrates its 50th anniversar­y. nationaltr­

In the city This year, Bristol celebrates 650 years as a city and county, and there will be a wide range of events to mark the historic occasion. Visit the Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, a renowned institutio­n that has its own anniversar­y, marking 200 years of culture. You can also see Yinka Shonibare’s ‘End of Empire’ until 2 April 2023. bristolmus­ bristol-museum-and-art-gallery visitbrist­

By the water Stroll around the 1200-acre reservoir at Chew Valley Lake. This Site of Special Scientific Interest is an excellent spot for birdwatchi­ng, with more than 270 species recorded. Birdwatchi­ng permits for the area cost £6 and are available from Bristol Water Fisheries. bristolwat­erfisherie­

 ?? ?? Bristol Harbour
Bristol Harbour

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