Practical Caravan

How protective coatings are applied (continued)



Diamondbri­te Ceramic is an ultra-hard, high-gloss paint protectant, guaranteed against paint fading, deteriorat­ion of the gloss finish and even bird muck, so long as it’s removed as soon as possible (terms and conditions apply).

“Once applied, you will never have to polish your caravan again,” claims marketing director Lance Boseley.

Diamondbri­te is a two-stage process. Stage One fills the pores in the caravan panel surface, then Stage Two adds a hard protective shell with a high-lustre finish.

Diamondbri­te recommends treating your protected caravan with its specially formulated Conserver product every one to three months, depending on the miles covered. This will help to preserve the protection that Diamondbri­te offers.

To maintain your guarantee, you must register your Diamondbri­te treatment within 14 days of applicatio­n. diamondbri­


Paintseal’s protector is a liquid-glass ceramic coating called Gen-3. It’s only applied by the company’s own specialist technician­s, and a single applicatio­n is guaranteed for five years on new vehicles and for three years on vehicles over six months old ( because they are likely to have already been waxed or shampooed).

In reality, Paintseal says it should last much longer, and doesn’t require topping up or conserver treatments.

“If any customer ever does have a problem, we’ll inspect the vehicle and correct any issues as appropriat­e,” says Lisa Bradbury, co-founder and owner of Paintseal. “If anyone offers you a lifetime guarantee, it’s a good idea to clarify how they’re defining a lifetime,” she adds.

Paintseal’s Ceramic Glasscoat is a polysiloxa­ne, which provides excellent weathering attributes (so keeps its shine for longer) and offers resistance to UV rays and heat. It also displays exceptiona­l resistance to abrasion, corrosion and chemical attack, minimising dirt pick-up.

“We do apply Gen-3 to caravan wheels, but we don’t put it on acrylic caravan windows,” says Lisa. “We’ve lived and breathed paint protection for 35 years, so we know what works best.”

To protect the fabrics, furnishing­s and carpets inside a caravan, Paintseal uses a spray-on, hypoallerg­enic, non- CFC, PTFE formula. paintseald­


The complete Paintseal Ceramic Gen-3 treatment (Glasscoat exterior and Teflon interior) costs £ 499 for a single-axle caravan and £599 for a twin-axle. The carpet protection treatment is £50 extra.

Diamondbri­te treatments will typically be priced at £ 499 for single-axle caravans and £599 for twin-axle models.

Both companies provide free aftercare packs, with specialist products to clean and protect their ceramic finishes.

Thanks to Downtide Caravans & Leisure in Norwich, Norfolk (, for help in demonstrat­ing the treatments

 ?? ?? Eventually, Jake reaches the caravan roof and begins cleaning the entire area with the isopropano­l solution, to ensure it is completely free from contaminan­ts before sealing 7
Eventually, Jake reaches the caravan roof and begins cleaning the entire area with the isopropano­l solution, to ensure it is completely free from contaminan­ts before sealing 7
 ?? ?? On most large caravans, you’d need a step or a ladder to reach the highest sections 6
On most large caravans, you’d need a step or a ladder to reach the highest sections 6
 ?? ?? 9 Finally, to show that the caravan has been profession­ally treated with a paint protectant, the Diamondbri­te sticker is displayed in pride of place in the window
9 Finally, to show that the caravan has been profession­ally treated with a paint protectant, the Diamondbri­te sticker is displayed in pride of place in the window
 ?? ?? 8 Once clean, the whole roof is carefully treated with the ceramic coating, again in sections
8 Once clean, the whole roof is carefully treated with the ceramic coating, again in sections

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