Practical Caravan



> When selecting a torch, it is advisable to opt for one fitted with Cree LEDS. These can produce huge amounts of light while consuming little power. They also have a long life expectancy, of 50,000 to 100,000 hours.

> Wherever possible, choose a torch that has rechargeab­le batteries, not disposable­s. Not only will this save you money, it also offers greater storage capacity if you use lithium ion batteries. Most rechargeab­le batteries can be charged from a standard 5V USB, such as a phone charger or a computer USB.

> Many torches now have robust aluminium bodies, and most offer a waterproof rating, from ‘splashproo­f’ to ‘waterproof’, so are suitable for use in adverse conditions.

> Most have a ‘lumen’ rating, indicating their light output, and will also list the storage capacity of their battery, which is measured in mah (see Glossary, below). The higher the number, the more power it is able to store.

> Another very useful option is the ability to zoom the torchlight beam, from a thin, narrow, high-intensity beam to a broad, evenly spread light suitable for illuminati­ng large areas. This is usually achieved simply by moving the lens assembly in and out.

> Another very worthwhile addition is indicator lights showing the charge state of the battery during the charge and discharge phases.

> There are lots of hand-held torches to choose from, but there will also be times when a hands-free head torch is more suitable. Many people carry both types on tour.

> Torches with a COB LED array on the side have the benefit of allowing you to read books and so on when they are laid flat on a table.

 ?? ?? In this mains battery charger, the power supply automatica­lly cuts out when the batteries have been fully charged.
In this mains battery charger, the power supply automatica­lly cuts out when the batteries have been fully charged.

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