Practical Caravan




When we’re out driving, it is somewhat alarming to see the number of caravans that we pass whose owners have failed to properly secure their locker doors, whether that be for the battery compartmen­ts or their equipment lockers.

Here is a tip that caravanner­s can use to easily check the doors are closed before departing.

Use a permanent marker to mark both sides of the lock. Two marks together will confirm that it’s closed properly, but if they


Thank you for publishing the Local Authority article we wrote about Fleetwood in Lancashire (issue 465). I showed it to the Fleetwood Museum and Farmer Parrs Animal World, which both featured in the piece, and they were thrilled to see it.

Unfortunat­ely and with regret, our caravannin­g days are over and we have now sold our van, because Ian is disabled and caravannin­g is getting too much for him to manage.

Before we took up caravan tours for our European holidays, we drove to France, Germany, Austria, Switzerlan­d, Italy and the former Yugoslavia, staying in hotels. Now we are back to touring in the car and hotels.

The first caravan we bought, back in 1983, was an old Robin are apart, you can see instantly that the door is still unlocked. Richard Taylor

(pictured below). To cut a long story short, we went to France, got invaded by ants and I swore I would never caravan again!

But one day in 2001, on the spur of the moment, I suggested to Ian that we sell up and buy a caravan. That’s exactly what we did and we toured France, Spain, Portugal and the UK for six months.

As we were in the process of buying the caravan, a Bailey Senator Arizona, I entered a competitio­n in Practical Caravan and won a large awning from Barrons Caravans in 2002.

Since then I have had several site reviews, tips and letters published in the magazine.

One of my most memorable site reviews was published in 2010 – Camping Monmar, in Castellón, Spain. As a result of this publicatio­n, Gordon and Joan Neilson contacted us to chat about the site.

We went on to meet them in Benicàssim, Spain, and I won the Star Letter in August 2010 with a photo of the meeting. To this day, we remain firm friends.

Thank you and the team at Practical Caravan for enlighteni­ng our lives throughout the years. We will miss you.

Laura and Ian Wilkinson

 ?? ?? Richard’s tip will help you to check your lockers are closed
Richard’s tip will help you to check your lockers are closed
 ?? ?? Laura and Ian’s first caravan was a Robin, bought in 1983
Laura and Ian’s first caravan was a Robin, bought in 1983

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