Practical Classics (UK)

The Toyota Prius is now 20! Is it a future classic?


Never. It is a car for people who hate cars. It deserves nothing but contempt. Malcolm Cupis

Who the chuff would want to collect one of those? Buy yourself a Morris Minor then you can actually enjoy driving. Andrew Spittlehou­se

Look at the old computers becoming increasing­ly valuable from the Seventies and Eighties. The younger generation­s will probably see this as a classic in time. Ross Mackenzie

God help you if it goes wrong. Ended up getting rid of ours at a £3000 loss because nobody could fix it. Definitely a landmark car though. Richard Faulkner

It is an interestin­g bit of engineerin­g, love it or hate it, it changed the automotive scene. Pete Lonsdale

If by 2040 electric cars fail to live up to expectatio­ns or are let down by a lack of infrastruc­ture, the powers that be might regret not giving their support to hybrids. So, as much as I dislike the Pious, it could be seen as the future that never was. Francis Marsden

An over-engineered gem that has revolution­ised transport worldwide, of course it’s a classic! Max Spiller

Is a 20-year old fridge collectabl­e? Graham Mcinnes

I’m not a fan of them and wouldn’t have one myself but I could certainly see the original Prius becoming a collectabl­e motor vehicle. John Dunwell

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