Practical Classics (UK)

Nick Larkin

Nick pays tribute to an inspiratio­nal young man


Nick celebrates an inspiring member of the classic car movement.

Just in case we suddenly start beginning to enjoy ourselves or even worse, express any hope for the future, we’re constantly reminded that these are terrible times. Terrorism, political uncertaint­y over this Common Market thing we joined, knife crime, carrier bags killing the world, global warming, shops closing and (most of) the Spice Girls performing again in concert. We are expected to live through all of this.

Apparently today’s young people spend their time ‘Facetiming’ and pretending to be vegans despite clandestin­e visits to Five Guys, while worrying in case they might get a chill, take a nasty tumble on a cracked paving slab or hear a Jim Davidson joke.

Not like when we were kids, playing in scrap Austin Tens on bomb sites, not caring even if it was raining; our spindly short trousered limbs flailing and circular lensed National Health Service spectacles flying off as we scrambled away to avoid a clip around the ear from PC Dixon. Then home for yummy bread and dripping for tea and being third in line to use the water in the quarter-filled tin bath

by the fire while listening to Pete Murray on crackly Radio Luxembourg.

However much you agree with any of the above, no one can deny that we have one wonderfull­y positive force that genuinely just gets better and changes lives. No, not Nigel Farage. I mean the classic car movement.

A new rally at the Classic Motor Hub in Bibury, Gloucester­shire, attracted 150 entries and raised £1700 for good causes. A great achievemen­t in itself, but even more so when you consider that the organiser of the event was a 15-year-old lad. Could you imagine doing that yourself at his age?

The young man in question, Leon Watts, would have found it far more difficult to negotiate for his event to happen than most of us. Leon was diagnosed with autism at the age of six.

Hooked from a young age

A car fanatic since seeing an Austin Allegro on Top Gear when he was just three years old, this devotion to vehicles was partly the reason why he was

bullied in mainstream school. Now, thankfully, Leon is thriving in a more appropriat­e educationa­l environmen­t. He is a regular and welcome visitor at his local car dealership­s and museums, not forgetting the Classic Car Hub, so he had a venue for his rally.

‘I have had just so much support and encouragem­ent and it has changed my life. I cannot thank people enough.’ said Leon, who is hoping to set up his own car dealership, potentiall­y involving his favourite marque, Aston Martin. He certainly appreciate­s a wide range of cars, and is hoping his own first vehicle will be a sporty little number – a Daihatsu Copen!

The funds raised from Leon’s event, the Autoism Charitable Car Meet on June 2, are being divided between the National Autistic Society, which points out there are 700,000 people on the autism spectrum in Britain; and the Riverside Centre in Swindon, which aims to support vulnerable and anxious young people.

‘My aim is also to spread awareness of autism, and the struggles that people can face.’ Leon added. We have spoken to many people to whom Leon is truly an inspiratio­n, and they’re from every age and background.

No absolute plans have been laid down for a second rally, but Leon is hoping for something ‘bigger and better’ next year.

But there is one aspect of the 2019 event that even eclipses everything else. Over to Leon. ‘I had several people who suffer from anxiety bring cars to the event. They wouldn’t be able to attend a “normal” rally but, knowing of my condition, felt they could come along and support this show.’


‘Organised by Leon, the rally raised an amazing £1700 for good causes’ Nick Larkin has appeared in many classic car (and a few bus) publicatio­ns since 1989. He joined

Practical Classics in 1996, and remains a regular contributo­r.

 ??  ?? Leon Watts is truly an inspiratio­n for the classic movement.
Leon Watts is truly an inspiratio­n for the classic movement.
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