Practical Classics (UK)

‘I found it parked by the side of a road in Croatia’

1978 Opel Kadett C Ed Beckett, Pershall, Staffordsh­ire


How did find this particular car then, Ed?

‘In 2007, I bought an apartment in Croatia and soon noticed there were quite a few classics around in very good condition. Fast forward to 2016, when this one was parked by the side of the road in the next village and seemed to be in very good condition. I stopped to look at it and the owner's son came out. I asked him if it was for sale and he said that it was.’

What a great story. Had you always wanted a Kadett?

‘I'd had a two-door Chevette saloon in the Eighties and knew that they were good to drive, so when I saw a few Kadetts over there I toyed with buying one to modify because Chevettes and Kadetts are cheaper than Escorts, but it turned out that this one is too nice to mess around with. I like anything old, so I was interested from the start but it was an impulse buy asi didn't expect to buy anything that week. I expected to be in big trouble when I got home, but when my partner saw the pictures she said the car was cute and immediatel­y named it Katy. Now that we have been using it for a while she tells me that I'm not allowed to sell it!'

Did the car need any work for the journey back to the UK?

‘I asked the seller to get it MOT'D and taxed and gave him £300 to do it – to my surprise, he gave me some change! So I guess that it didn't need anything. I got a local garage that I know to check it over and give it a mini service before I drove it back, too. That cost less than £100.’

What about once you'd got back home to Staffordsh­ire?

‘Since the car came here it has needed a very small welded repair under the bonnet for the

MOT. I fitted a new radio with CD player, and the fuel gauge didn't work, so I fitted a used sender unit obtained from Germany. I also bought a couple of new tyres and repaired the exhaust. I also had some paint work done, just to help preserve it – I don't want to see this car rusting away. I have since bought a new old stock exhaust that may get fitted over the winter.'

Do you get out and about in the Kadett regularly now?

‘I have a company car and a few other classics, but this one is definitely a favourite for weekends. I leave it in the garage from November until Easter, then use it for local trips and exhibit it at about four or five shows locally. It's definitely a keeper! I won't find another one in this condition any time soon, that is for sure.'

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