Practical Classics (UK)



Q. Can’t I just jump in and go?

A. If you’re lucky the engine will start without the need to charge the battery, but without priming the oil system by cranking the engine with the ignition disconnect­ed as described, you risk shortening the life of the engine’s internals. Plus, by going through all of the car’s systems as described above, you’re reducing the risk of a breakdown or worse, an accident through mechanical failure.

Q. Can I not just use a ‘quick detailer’ to clean storage dust off the car?

A. Detailing sprays are intended to give a clean car a final shine at a show. Using them on a dusty car will cause fine scratches to the paintwork as abrasive dust is dragged across the surface. These scratches then need to be machine polished out, which can be expensive and also removes a layer of paint. It’s best to avoid the need for this where possible.

Q. I used a smear of petroleum jelly on the chrome before sheeting the car down for the winter. What’s the best way of getting this off completely?

A. Normally it’s enough to simply wipe this away with a soft cloth, but you could use a body shop panel wipe if it’s stubborn.

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