Practical Classics (UK)



1914 Rhodia Ambulance

It was used as a truck in Glasgow in 1914, then as an ambulance in The Great War. Alex Stobie, aircraft mechanic RFC. RAF, used it as a bus/charabanc at Strachur, Scotland in 1921 and then went private in 1922. Stored poorly until I acquired it in 1980, I slowly restored it and it has been on the road for a few years now. I really enjoy driving it!

1926 Humber 12/25

I bought it out of Exchange & Mart in 1972. Two of us prospectiv­e buyers arrived at the seller’s house at the same time. We tossed a coin and I won! The Humber UE 178 was pretty dilapidate­d, but I managed to get it roadworthy, MOT tested, in about three years. We ran it as our only car for three or four years. I fitted a tow ball and tried a small caravan but that was a fail, as I burnt out the leather cone clutch. We had to settle for a trailer and a frame tent for holidays. Our kids were quite happy, camping or bed and breakfasti­ng with suitcases strapped on the running board. I have just about finished it now. I’m hoping to have it ready for its hundredth birthday.

1967 Mini 1000

A South African import. It has the Australian wind-up windows with quarterlig­hts which I love, better seats than UK versions and small additional reflectors front and rear. The shell is pretty rust-free, and I am going to install my leftover 998 Cooper engine in it. I’m trying to obtain an agerelated UK registrati­on for the car. Although I have a NOVA certificat­e for the car, I only have the SA. reg no, which is etched on every window on the car. Perhaps I need to join the South African Mini Club?

 ?? ?? Ken’s older classics.
Ken’s older classics.
 ?? ?? Don’t they make a good pair!
Don’t they make a good pair!

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