Practical Classics (UK)

‘I have also bought a Scimitar SE6A spares car, but it is too good to break’


to be broken. It is also a 1977 car and, despite being off the road for even longer than the red car, over two decades, and living in a barn for many years, the spares Scimitar is actually in remarkable condition. The body is sound with no crazing, just paint fade and the chassis appears to be in decent condition as well. The interior is faded but sound and, best of all, the Essex V6 turns over and has only got 29,000 miles on it.

A barn find spares car this might be, but it’s also a time warp… a really sound project that could be brought back to life with minimal effort and made good. That's why I have given it to James Holland to say thank you for his help with this and our Reliant Rebel restoratio­n.

A report on how the Scimitar was revived at the show will follow in the next issue, but I can already thank top Reliant specialist­s, CHG, Retronics, HB Body and Steve Brown, Meguirs, Motul Oils and especially Vintage Tyres for their help. Word to the wise. The red Scim had MOT legal tyres, but I wouldn't drive on them. Hard rubber and flat spots = no fun in the wet.

More thanks to the incredible team at the PC Show, both our lot on the stand and Andrea Seed's team as well as all the organiser's staff, who made everything work. It has been a difficult time for all of us financiall­y, but the spirit of PC lives on.

So, taking over the SE6A baton where Nigel Clark left off, I suppose I have something of a Jensen replacemen­t. It’s a classic that I can use for shows and drive distances in. It signifies an all change for me, because i have to move the pathfinder on for parts or to revive... it's a free project for someone. ■ danny.hopkins@practicalc­

Project three. This is the Scimitar spares car, but it's way to good to break. So it's going to CHG Classics.


Corotec protection,

CHG Classics, chgclassic­

HB Body,

Reliant Sabre and Scimitar Owners Club, scimitarwe­

Reliant Owners Club, reliantown­

Retronics, retronicso­

Vintage Tyres, vintagetyr­

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