Practical Classics (UK)

The Austin Healey Club

The place that welcomes all Austin Healey enthusiast­s!


The club was formed in 1961 from two earlier clubs at the instigatio­n of John Thornley, General Manager of BMC and Brian 'Bic' Healey, son of Donald Healey, from the factory who supplied financial backing in the form of membership and secretaria­l facilities to the new members.

Peter Browning was the first General Secretary, followed by Les Needham, after Lord Stokes withdrew support for the clubs in 1968. The club now has seven regional centres covering the UK, plus one centre for its racing, sprinting and hill climbing activities. It was one of the first clubs to interact with the DVLA over the recovering of old registrati­ons after they were computeris­ed in 1983. It also has Marque Register sections for each of the models that were produced from the 100 through to the Jensen-healey and Sprite.

Out and about

The regional centres and their supporting ‘noggin and natter’ local meets organise amongst other things trips to Le

Mans, Mille Miglia, a national concours competitio­n and the Internatio­nal Healey Weekend, organised by each centre in turn and this year in Kings Lynn, Norfolk. The club also helps organise a European Healey

Meeting, the last UK one of which in Scotland was supported by 250 members from all over the world.

Members relish getting out and about together.

The club has a website where members and visitors can swap technical issues, while many members have owned their car for over 50 years, so you are sure to find any current or historical detail from at one of the many meetings. There is also a monthly magazine, Revcounter delivered to all members. austinheal­

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