Practical Classics (UK)

on raising revenue and awareness…

- Craig Cheetham

‘There’s everything to admire about humility as a trait’

This month’s main Charity Heroes feature (right) looks at how the efforts of a small group of volunteers and a slightly larger group of philanthro­pic supporters can come together to really make a difference in their local community – and it’s something we really want to see even more of in our Charity Heroes pages as we head into 2024.

Don’t get me wrong – the bigger charities and profession­ally supported events are absolutely brilliant and they regularly bring in enormous amounts of money for truly deserving causes – we will, of course, continue to fly the flag for their efforts.

But it’s the enthusiast­s whose labours really drive deep into a community that typify the very ethos of the Practical Classics community. Just as the magazine itself is put together by a close-knit group of like-minded people, so too are the events, tours and initiative­s generated and supported by car clubs, small businesses and individual­s who are going the extra mile for good causes.

The reason why the Stirling and District Classic Car Club takes centre stage this month is because it approached us to tell us about its efforts – and that allows us to share the fruits of its deeds more widely, which can only raise awareness and therefore potential charity revenue in the future.

And that’s where you come in. We know full well that a lot of people who raise money don’t always like to shout about it – and there’s everything to admire about humility as a personalit­y trait. But if you want to raise cash for a good cause, we’re here to help you reach whatever goal you've set and we’d love you to tell us more about what you’re up to.

Finally, may I wish every one of you a happy and healthy New Year.

If you, your car club or your friends have got anything planned to raise money for charity, we absolutely want to hear about it and talk about it in these pages. Please drop us a line at practicalc­ and we’ll help you in any way we can.

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