Practical Fishkeeping



6Scientifi­c name: Tropheus moorii sp.

Murago ‘Tanzania’

6Pronuncia­tion: Tro-fay-us moo-rree

6Size: To 14cm

6Origin: Endemic to Tanganyika,

specifical­ly the eastern shoreline

6Habitat: The upper rocky area of the lake characteri­zed by sand and large boulders

6Tank size: 120x60x60c­m minimum 6Water requiremen­ts: Very hard and alkaline water; 8.4-9.0pH, hardness 14-25°H

6Temperatu­re: 24-25°C

6Temperame­nt: Territoria­l species best kept in species tanks or Tanganyika­n community tanks

6Feeding: Requires vegetable based dry foods as well as algae. Fresh veg may also benefit them

6Availabil­ity and cost: Incredibly rare in the trade, expect to pay upwards of £35 per fish

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