Practical Fishkeeping

Which fish will complement this pink plant?


I am setting up a new tank in which I want to grow some Cryptocory­ne sp. ‘Flamingo’. It will have injected CO2, LED lighting and liquid fertiliser­s, plus an external filter and a black background. I’m using manzanita wood and Tropica soil. What small fish would complement the pink colours of this crypt?


JEREMY SAYS: ‘Flamingo’ is a pink form of Cryptocory­ne wendtii which was cultivated first by nursery owner Dennerle about ten years ago. It’s hardy with regard to pH and temperatur­e, and can be cultivated either in a dim, slow, low-tech set-up without CO2 or a brightly lit high-tech set-up with CO2. It’s meant to stay small at just a few centimetre­s in height — and that’s the height it was when I was first given some by Dennerle years ago, but C. wendtii can and does grow much larger than people give it credit for if given the space, and I’ve even seen specimens outgrow both the foreground and the midground in some aquascapes.

For fishy partners try Cherry barbs or Glowlight danios, or the original Pygmy rasbora, Boraras maculatus.

 ??  ?? Glowlight danios.
Glowlight danios.

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