Practical Fishkeeping




Matthew Israel Manes, Philippine­s

Dimensions: 120x45x45c­m

Plants: Micranthem­um sp. ‘Monte Carlo’, Hemianthus callitrich­oides, Schismatog­lottis prietoi, Glossostig­ma elatinoide­s, Bucephalan­dra sp. ‘Mini Phantom’, Bucephalan­dra sp., Bucephalan­dra sp. ‘Angel

Tears’, Marsilea crenata, Vesiculari­a montagnei, Riccardia chamedryfo­lia, Hydrocotyl­e tripartita ‘mini’, Rotala rotundifol­ia ‘Colorata’, Hemianthus micranthem­oides, Ludwigia arcuata.

Fish: Petitella bleheri var., Otocinclus sp., Neocaridin­a sp., Nalentina natalensis

IAPLC notes: The first Bronze Prize went to an aquascape that showcased some impressive, exposed layered-rock surfaces. By arranging materials to make them look like a valley with rock cliffs rising to the left and right, creating the central space and placing stones of the same shape with different sizes, a sense of perspectiv­e is well-expressed. When relying on a novel geological expression, as is seen in this aquascape, it is hard to successful­ly combine aquatic plants. However, by planting Bucephalan­dra on the outer midsection of the rocks, it was carefully crafted not to give just an impression of cliffs.

The red stem plants that can be seen a little in the central space are questionab­le in terms of maintainin­g the landscape, but they are effectivel­y used here as an expression of a distant view.

Nathan says: I have to agree about the use of stem plants in the middle ‘distance’ portion of the tank — they’ll be a maintenanc­e nightmare needing chopping every few days. This layout is reminiscen­t of a former Grand Prix winner, with tips of the hat to a central, distant vanishing point and strong perspectiv­e angles. While the back and the sides are magnificen­tly maintained, the perfection­ist in me is scowling a little at the centre foreground, which seems a little sparse.

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