Practical Fishkeeping



6Scientifi­c name: Caquetaia myersi 6Size: 20cm

6Origin: Colombia: Rio Putamayo and Napo Rivers, full distributi­on unknown

6Habitat: Tropical tributarie­s of the Amazon, over sand and leaf litter in the dry season and entering flooded forests during the wet season 6Aquarium size: 120x45x37.5cm, 150x60x60c­m and upwards if tankmates are desired

6Water requiremen­ts: 6.5–7.5pH

6Temperatu­re: 22-30°C

6Temperame­nt: Males are intolerant of each other. Choose tankmates carefully to avoid territoria­l conflicts or predation

6Feeding: Offer pellets designed for carnivorou­s fish, frozen foods, insects, worms or gut-loaded shrimps. If reluctant to feed then live foods will usually illicit a predatory response 6Availabil­ity and cost: Constantly available to retailers but rarely kept in store. From £15

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