Practical Fishkeeping

Rockets and Lyretails


When looking for killifish, you might also come across Epiplatys species, of which the most famous is perhaps the Rocket Panchax, Epiplatys annulatus, and Aphyosemio­n species, such as the popular Lyretail Killifish, Aphyosemio­n australe. Their care is broadly similar to that of Fundulopan­chax gardneri, but they may be a little more choosy in terms of water chemistry, aquarium size, and social behaviour.

Aphanius mento is a West Asian pupfish species from places like Turkey and Iran, where summers can be very hot but winters much colder. As such, the species has a broad temperatur­e tolerance. Warmer summers will encourage breeding, in which case you could add a heater to bring the tank up to 22˚C or so, but in winter, even 10˚C isn’t going to cause them harm. They need plenty of space and hard water. The males are gorgeous — midnight blue with iridescent spots — but very aggressive, and unless the tank is huge, keeping two males together usually ends badly, so aim for two or more females alongside a single male.

 ?? ?? Lyretail Killifish.
Lyretail Killifish.
 ?? ?? Rocket Panchax.
Rocket Panchax.

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