Practical Fishkeeping

Bacopa salzmannii


Bacopa salzmannii can be found in more than one variety, with colours on a sliding spectrum from green to deep purple. The full purple variety as pictured here is the more sought after amongst hobbyists but also the least often available.

Although some varieties may get slightly purple under intense light, the true purple specimen will retain its purple colouratio­n under most lighting conditions. This plant will create a beautiful contrast to both red and green plants making it the perfect fit for many Dutch style and farm tank layouts.

Propagatio­n is achieved by cutting above an internode and replanting the top portion. Side shoots will naturally appear under sufficient growing conditions.

6Type: Stem

6Origin: Central and South America

6Growth rate and characteri­stic: Medium

6Light requiremen­ts: Medium / fast

6CO2: Recommende­d

6Colour: Purple 6Where to use: Midground / Background

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