Practical Wireless



BBRC usually has three weekend meetings a year, often coinciding with a contest or two.

This year they had two such meetings, the first at the end of July to coincide with the IOTA contest and the recent meeting covered the RSGB SSB Field Day and the RSGB 144MHz Trophy contest. Various members attended the venue near Maidenhead during the weekend and a hard core stayed overnight. Members attending all used their own equipment to stay safe.

Trevor entered the 2m Trophy contest using one of the club’s callsigns M0DX/P and made 188 contacts with a fair number into Holland, Belgium, France and Germany. Hauke, Ash and Andy (and others) spent time on HF using a DX Commander, SOTABEAMS Linked Dipole and a G5RV antenna respective­ly. Everyone enjoyed excellent cuisine courtesy of Trevor’s portable BBQ. It was not all radio as much model aircraft and drone flying was also done. The whole site was powered by Andy’s 7.5kW diesel generator.

The photo shows: Standing from left to right: Graham Price 2E0DQF, Andy Birch M0YGB, Ashish Bhakoo M0KBA, Charlie Mitchell G0SKA, Hauke Gruen 2E0HBX, John Ratcliffe M7JHA, Kneeling Trevor Clapp M0TDZ. Antennas: Left Clark 13m mounted on Trevor M0TDZ’s Landrover with stacked 9-ele 2m beams and on the right one of three DX Commander multiband vertical antennas used.

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