Practical Wireless

The 8m Band


WL2XUP is an experiment­al station operated by NI4Y, approved for operation on 40MHz (8m), with up to 400W ERP. WSPR and FT8 modes are currently being used to test propagatio­n. One interestin­g tidbit from the linked EI7GL website is that 40MHz is used by automated devices measuring the snow pack in the US. Those devices use meteor scatter to transmit their measuremen­ts.

While the majority of UK amateurs will be unaware of the 40MHz allocation, it is available to amateurs in Ireland, South Africa and Slovenia and there is also a beacon in Denmark. The band has a long history, being made available during 1925 to 1928 to amateurs in the UK and Ireland and later, at different periods, to amateurs in a number of countries.

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