Prima (UK)

Lisa Comfort Customises it!

Add some oomph to a plain white T-shirt with chic little bows


Fold one of the larger rectangles in half, right sides together, across the widest length, and pin in place.

On the machine, start sewing in the middle of the long open edge, using a 1cm seam allowance, pivoting at the corner and finishing at the folded edge. Repeat this on the other side, leaving a 2.5cm (1in) gap on the long open edge.

Cut off corners of seam allowances to allow you to get a nice point when you turn them to the right side. Turn the rectangle the right way round through the gap you left. Press flat, ensuring seams are sitting right on the edge.

Pinch the large rectangle in the middle to create a bow shape. Then, taking the flat tube, wrap it around the pinch. The seam on the tube should be facing the front of the bow so it’s hidden. Overlap the tube ends and pin in place.

Using a needle and thread, stitch the overlapped ends of the tube together with a few overstitch­es. Pin the wings of the bow to create a ruched effect.

Position the bow on the outside of the T-shirt sleeve, ensuring it is centrally positioned across the width and that the bottom edge of the bow covers the bottom edge of the sleeve. Pin in place. ❿Using a needle and thread, slipstitch the bow to the T-shirt, around the bow edges. I used a thread that matched the bow rather than the T-shirt, as the stitches will show more on the bow.

At the centre of the bow, do a few big stitches on the inside of the T-shirt to help it sit flat.

Repeat from step 2 to make the bow for the other sleeve.

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