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What a difference A YEAR makes!

We all go through times when we feel a bit lost and these women understand this all too well. But in the past 12 months, they’ve channelled their energy into changing their lives, with inspiring results


Sharon Phillips, 49, from Carmarthen, Wales, had always dreamed of owning a gypsy wagon... now she has two!

‘For as long as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by gypsy wagons. As a child, I was an avid reader, and was drawn into the Romany world by books. I daydreamed about life on the road – moving from place to place along country lanes, cooking over a fire, looking after the horses and sleeping under the stars.

Growing up, I received birthday cards featuring gypsy wagons and my mother once made me a cake in the shape of one! To me, it seemed like the perfect life – magic and romantic in its possibilit­y, it represente­d total freedom.

I never gave up that passion. In my twenties, I even asked a travel agent about holidays in a horse-drawn wagon. Nowadays, this type of break is fairly easy to find, but back then my request was met with amusement. The staff couldn’t understand why I wanted to spend my holiday camping in a field!

However, it wasn’t until last year that I set about making my childhood dream come true. Approachin­g 50 and separated from my partner, I knew it was time to do something for myself. During the summer, I toured the UK in search of my very own gypsy wagon. Using my savings, I ended up buying two of them!

‘They never fail to make me feel happy’

The first, which I found in Newport, was owned by a Romany family. The grandmothe­r was delighted for it to leave the community because it saved it from being burnt in the event of a family member’s death – as is the Romany custom. The second I discovered in Worcester. This was purpose-built and designed for “glamping”, but something about it tugged at my heartstrin­gs.

I hired a lorry and, with the help of a friend and my son, Sam, 12, took the two wagons back to west Wales to their new home in the fields of my parents’ smallholdi­ng, six miles from my house. That night, I slept in the wagons, bedding down with the pillows and warm blankets that had been kindly left for me by the Romany family. When I woke up the next day and opened the half-door on to the lush greenery beyond, I couldn’t stop beaming. I’d spent my savings, but I hadn’t felt this happy in years.


It took a lot of time and hard work to restore the wagons to their former glories, but I enjoyed every moment. I was determined to share this experience with others. So, with some help from friends, I worked tirelessly to bring electricit­y and mains water to the site and invested in a summerhous­e that provides alternativ­e indoor dining and cooking facilities. In August last year, I welcomed my first guests to Calon Gypsy Wagons. It was such a joy to show them the wonders of the Romany lifestyle.

It’s been a long and bumpy road, but I’m so thrilled with my wagons. Looking at their bright, bohemian patterns never fails to make me happy. My parents, now in their eighties, were initially confused by my venture, but they now know how much I love the lifestyle. My mum even bakes Welsh cakes for my visitors!

Meanwhile, Sam loves spending time in the fields. It’s good for him to have a break from technology, embracing nature while learning about other communitie­s and their values.

After a long day working as a primary school teacher, I’ll often drive to the smallholdi­ng and sit in the wagons to do my marking. I feel totally at peace, lost in the smells and sounds of the countrysid­e. After a stressful time, this feeling of calm and serenity allows my mind – just like the wagons – to meander to faraway places. I’ve found the life I always dreamed of.’

• Visit calongypsy­

Last year, Sarah Wolf, 42, from Frome, Somerset, was, in the words of her GP, ‘a stressed, overweight single mother’. But she’s turned her life around – and found true love along the way.

‘My partner Cris and I were just a few months into our relationsh­ip when we went camping on Dartmoor. As we lay on our backs gazing up at the stars, it felt like a fairy tale. Falling in love has been the icing on the cake in a life-changing year.

Twelve months ago, I was a single mum to my daughter, Isabella, then 11, juggling the demands of childcare with a senior job in communicat­ions. I was living for my social life, and spending free weekends at the pub. Meanwhile, I’d fallen into a relationsh­ip with a man I’d met online who, though nice enough, I couldn’t see a future with. And yet, with my self-esteem at an all-time low, I found comfort in my routine.

It all came to a head in January 2016. After an indulgent Christmas and New Year, my weight had crept up to 19st 10lb – certainly too much for my 5ft 6in frame. On my first day back in the office after the break, my mood was lower than ever. I was chatting to a colleague when I suddenly felt unwell. I was overcome with nausea, my heart beating erraticall­y – the pounding was so powerful I thought my heart would burst out of my chest! I had no idea what was wrong and I was terrified.

For the next five days, my symptoms continued. They were especially bad at night, with the palpitatio­ns preventing me from sleeping. I went to see my GP, who thought it was connected to high blood pressure. On my notes she wrote “stressed, overweight single mother”. When I saw those words, I burst into tears. I was an educated, well-travelled career profession­al and a good mum. I hated being labelled as a statistic.

But I was shocked into action. That same day, I went to my first Slimming World meeting and, by the end of the week, had lost 4½lb. Even the palpitatio­ns disappeare­d! It was the incentive I needed to keep going.

Soon after, I ended my relationsh­ip. I swapped takeaway pizzas for chicken salads and steaks and stopped drinking. Over the next six months, I lost 5st. I tried new clothes, and took joy in shopping with my daughter for the first time ever.


Around this time, an old friend called

Cris got in touch. We went for a coffee and there was a connection. He’s caring, outdoorsy and also teetotal. Just before Christmas, he took me on our first trip away – camping on Dartmoor. It was a case of the right person at the right time.

I can’t believe how far I’ve come. I’ve lost 7st 10lb and am focused on my health. Of course, I’ll allow myself a treat, but I’ve found balance – if I eat cake, I’ll go for a long walk to even things out.

Meanwhile, Cris has shown me that life is for living, and I’m seeing the world in bright technicolo­ur. As I stride confidentl­y towards the future, I know I can tackle any problem with my newfound determinat­ion. And I know Cris will be by my side every step of the way.’

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